
Meet our Diamond Sponsor

Immunai's mission is to map the immune system and its functions using single-cell genomics and machine learning. Immunai leverages single-cell technologies to profile cells from a blood sample and uses machine-learning algorithms (powered by its proprietary database) to map the hundreds of cell types and their states to create an immune profile.

Unique to our company, we own the process from start to end, from sample processing to insight derivation, allowing us to produce clean, controlled and consistent data at an unmatched pace. We use this clean data to empower biomarker discovery and actionable insight derivation across various diseases and conditions.

The company is built from a multidisciplinary team of biologists, computer scientists, engineers, machine learning specialists, and operators located in New York City, San Francisco, and Tel Aviv, Israel. Immunai currently employs over 50 people worldwide and collaborates with the best medical centers and leading pharma companies in the world

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