Meet the PyCon Israel reviewers

Posted on Tue 09 July 2024 in making-pycon

Meet our PyCon Israel reviewers! Over the past month, our dedicated reviewers meticulously evaluated dozens of proposals with keen eyes and thoughtful consideration. They ensured that the talks selected for PyCon 2024 are not only interesting and innovative -- but also showcase Python-powered advancements, aligning with our core values of community, open-source, and diversity. Their hard work and expertise are the backbone of our conference. We are immensely grateful for their commitment and effort.

Reviewers, as listed below

From left to right, top row: Dima Kuznetsov, Aviv Zaken, Shai Berger, Orit Wasserman, Tom Ron, Miki Tebeka; bottom row: Tomer Brisker, Daniel Puterman, Eyal Fishel, Meirav Ben Izhak, Shai Rubin, Alexandra (Litinsky) Simanovsky Ph.D.

Thank you, reviewers, for your invaluable contributions!