Call for Papers (CFP)

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To make this conference totally rock, we’re looking for creative, innovative talks that will expose the Python community to new ideas, practices or tools. As we gather materials for the upcoming PyCon - scheduled for September 16th, 2024 - we extend our invitation for you to join us and present your compelling Python-related work. We eagerly anticipate your participation and the opportunity to showcase your contributions to the Python community.We’d love to learn about those awesome projects you are working on - come share those with the world!

We've compiled some important notes to help guide your submission. These notes cover key points to consider and common pitfalls to avoid. If you're ready to submit, you can go directly to our submission form and system here.

Important Dates

  • CFP Opens: Wednesday, 1 May
  • CFP Closes: Saturday, 8 June, Midnight Israel time
  • CFP Notifications: Sunday,7 July
  • Agenda published: Sunday, 14 July
  • Outline submission: Wednesday, 7 August
  • Dry Runs: 15 Aug – 1 Sep
  • PyCon IL Conference: Monday 16.9
  • PyCon IL Workshops: Tuesday 17.9 [tentative]

Dry Runs

Dry runs are a crucial part of preparing for your presentation. These sessions allow our mentors to hear your talk and provide invaluable feedback on focus, topic clarity, content organization, and overall messaging. By attending, you'll get insights into how to make your presentation more engaging and accessible for your audience. It's important to note that dry runs are mandatory, so if you can't attend, you should reconsider submitting your talk. These sessions are designed to help you polish your content and ensure that you're delivering the best possible experience to your listeners.

First Time Speaker ?

PyCon is an excellent way to get to know the python community and share your ideas and the work that you are doing. You do not need to be a chief architect or long- time industry pundit to submit a proposal, in fact, we strongly encourage first-time speakers to submit talks! [Requires mentors, which requires mentor coordinator] We will help you make sure your presentation is top notch – if you want, an experienced speaker will work closely with you to prepare both the talk and yourself for maximum effect.

Previous talks videos

In the submission form, we recommend including a video link from a previous talk you've delivered (although it's not mandatory). The video doesn't necessarily have to be from a conference; it could be from a meetup or a work meeting, showcasing your communication skills and presentation style.

Pycon talks videos

In the following weeks after the conference, we’ll publish all talks on our YouTube channel. We do this for the benefit of the larger Python community and those who can’t attend the live conference.

Language for talks

PyCon IL is hosted in Israel and organized by the local community. For this reason, we prioritize and encourage native speakers to submit talk proposals in Hebrew. That said, if you prefer to present in English and are more comfortable in English than in Hebrew, that works too. Note that in general, we cannot accept changes to the talk’s preferred language once the agenda is published.

Language of submission: Although our CFP system, Pretalxks, only supports abstract submissions in English, you are welcome to deliver your actual talk in Hebrew.

Before Submitting Your CFP

Before submitting your Call for Papers (CFP), if you’re an experienced speaker or a first time speaker, you are welcome to consult our mentors group about your talk idea. We host a workshop with roundtable discussions allowing speakers to brainstorm their ideas and get real-time feedback (follow the website for event date/location:, You can also join our WhatsApp group for more informal consultations.

We look forward to receiving your submission!