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Conference Values

We have convened here to establish a cohort of individuals who share similar values and are committed to advancing these principles through collaborative efforts, in organizing an annual conference. This distinguished event will focus on the Python programming language: its core elements, related technologies, and the promotion of its learning and application through channels of practice and knowledge sharing. Our goal is to collectively create a dynamic, value-driven, equitable, diverse, community-centric, and local annual event – "a distinguished, high-quality, equitable, and community-oriented conference with a far-reaching impact." In the course of our work, we aim to cultivate a working environment for the organizing team, and for everyone involved, that steadfastly upholds the values of inclusion, mutual respect, and equality.

The five foundational values of PyCon Israel:

  • Community
  • Quality of Content
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Tech Ethics
  • Positive Experiences


  • An Israeli conference primarily in Hebrew
  • Social involvement in the community – Support, Empathy, and Solidarity
  • Creating connections
  • Endorsing social causes & organizations

Quality of Content

  • Rigorous vetting of proposals
  • Proactively helping improve presentations

Diversity & Inclusion

  • Adherence to the Code of Conduct
  • Proactively ensuring diverse representation
  • A welcoming and respectful space for everyone involved: Organizers, Participants, Speakers, Vendors
  • Advancing equality through making opportunities and information accessible

Tech Ethics

  • Open Source
  • Open Standards
  • Respect for Privacy
  • Respect for Copyrights

Positive Experience

  • Proactively seeing situations through the perspective of others, with empathy
  • Letting voices be heard, in a way that shapes outcomes
  • Promoting knowledge sharing and learning
  • Facilitating opportunities for forging inspiring relationships
  • Uncompromising approach to quality of production and execution